
Showing posts from November, 2021

My mum had a cancer scare.

  I can’t explain the joy you feel when this sort of good news is given. I spent the day feeling stressed, worried, anxious and all together lacklustre and lethargic. It was quite terrifying to say the least but when good news was given, I was over the moon. My mother was taken to hospital as they suspected she may have contracted breast cancer. After some time and a lot of testing the found her to be in good health with no complications. I'm not embarrassed to say I cried because I was so happy. Now for anyone going through this I want you to stay strong and if you ever need to chat do you know where to find me. her words to me where " I'm not going anywhere soon" i dont think ive ever been so happy but also scared simultaneously as one feeling leaves your mind another pushes its was in and all you can do is cry.